Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Saturday Morning Circus

I was raised on a few fundamental beliefs. Some have evolved overtime, as people and circumstances change and grow so we as a family or I as an individual see that the world is a vastly bigger place than my understanding of it. I could go into various political or theological points that take on different meanings as I get older and have new life experiences. But that is not what this blog is about. This blog is about one fundamental building block of my entire life that has never changed…Saturday mornings are for chores. This was a rule that I hated as a kid, despised as a teenager and fully resented as an adult living in my parents’ house. But, their house, their rules. Now I have my own house and my own kids and my own freedom to do what I want and make my own Saturday morning routine!
So you can imagine the shock and horror I felt when I took a step back this morning and realized that somehow, somewhere at some point along the way I made the rule that Saturday mornings are for chores in my house with my kids. I am not entirely sure when it happened I don’t remember making the conscious decision. However, there must have been some pivotal point on my timeline in which I said to my family “FAMILY, henceforth, and evermore, Saturday mornings are for doing house work!” Damn, me.
The particular Saturday of which I will speak Husband was not home, as tends to happen from time to time being a pastor he has the occasional wedding, or meeting, or he is traveling for Jesus. I had the 5 year old cleaning the room that he had supposedly been cleaning all week after school. The 9 year old was given dusting and floor duty on the main floor of the house. While the 3 year old was supposed to be “helping” and by helping I mean “Please for the love of all that is holy do not make things any worse”. I took the bathrooms because I wanted them done right and not ½ done or done by using all of the new bottle of Scrubbing Bubbles on just the sink, or flooding into the kitchen.
So, things had begun. I had been giving Minion number 2 steps for his room. You know, pick up all of the blocks, now the stuffed animals, now the balls, and so forth. But this had become too difficult for him, I believe his words were “Mommy, this is just very overwhelming, I just don’t know if I can keep going like this” (So. Much. Drama.) After this statement and some raised voices I changed tactics, he was now to pick things up by color, he was on red. Minion’s number 1 & 2 were in the living room. Their job quite clear, pick up toys, put them away, dust, vacuum, next room. In the span of 1 hour I had cleaned 2 bathrooms and was emptying the dishwasher when I realized the music streaming from Pandora onto our t.v. had gradually become louder and I was not hearing much noise from above where room cleaning was supposed to be taking place. I stopped what I was doing, squared my shoulders, took a deep breath and entered the war zone. I was practically knocked over by the blaring  “All about that Bass”. When I walked into the living room it was to find #1 playing air guitar, dancing and jumping wildly on the couch with paints only half on, one leg on, one leg off (he had been fully dressed when last I saw him). #3 was wearing a shirt only, no pants, no pull up, and one arm was out of it’s sleeve entirely. He was running in circle shaking his naked butt scream singing “BOOTY DANCE! HINEY DANCE! SHAKE YOU TOOSHY!” I turned and walked out, looked up the stairwell and found #2 eyes closed dancing with no inhibitions at the top of the stairs.
As a result of this, there was some yelling. A very irritated 5 year old saying “What is this you mean by clean all of the RED? I don’t get it.” A nine year old now with both legs in pants grumbling under his breath about injustice while still shaking his nonexistent hips to the now turned way down music. And a 3 year old who had disappeared in his room for a time and returned “dressed” saying “Mommy, you sad, I fix. I dressed. Now you HAPPY!” everything he was wearing was on backwards with the exception of his shoes which belong to his brother.
 It was a sweet moment and I appreciated the sentiment. Kids do have a way of making parents stop and take a breath. That little moment helped me to step out of myself for a beat and regain appreciation for my 3 minions and how much they add to my life. He forced me to look outside of my frustration and see the hilarity of it all from the irony of my forcing chores upon our Saturday morning to the circus that is our lives.
Yes, that moment was magical, but, it has been a week and the bedroom still isn’t clean, the furniture needs dusting, and don’t get me started on the toilets. So we will continue the circle again this Saturday. And I can only hope, as I do with so many things in life, that this is embedded in my kid’s brains and as adults they endure Saturday morning chores just as I have. I wish this because I love them, and I also, it’s only fair.     

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